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Latest Park Blogs

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About Parks

The Parks sample site is designed as a simple site that can be routinely updated from the front end of Joomla!.

As a site, it is largely focused on a blog which can be updated using the front end article submission.

New weblinks can also be added through the front end.

A simple image gallery uses com_content with thumbnails displayed in a blog layout and full size images shown in article layout.

The Parks site features the language switch module. All of the content and modules are tagged as English (en-GB). If a second language pack is added with sample data this can be filtered using the language switch.

Parks uses HTML5 which is a major web standard (along with XHTML which is used in other areas of sample data).

This site is powered by Joomla 3.10.11. For more Joomla extension visit svtemplates.com


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This is a basic site about the beautiful and fascinating parks of Australia.

On this site you can read all about my travels to different parks, see photos, and find links to park websites.

This sample site is an example of using the core of Joomla! to create a basic website, whether a "brochure site," a personal blog, or as a way to present information on a topic you are interested in.

Read more about the site in the About Parks module.


About Parks

The Parks sample site is designed as a simple site that can be routinely updated from the front end of Joomla!.

As a site, it is largely focused on a blog which can be updated using the front end article submission.

New weblinks can also be added through the front end.

A simple image gallery uses com_content with thumbnails displayed in a blog layout and full size images shown in article layout.

The Parks site features the language switch module. All of the content and modules are tagged as English (en-GB). If a second language pack is added with sample data this can be filtered using the language switch.

Parks uses HTML5 which is a major web standard (along with XHTML which is used in other areas of sample data).

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Free Joomla extensions - Modules and Templates
Free Joomla extensions - Modules and Templates